Oil Paintings and Figurative works by siavash mahvis

Oil paintings including portraits and figurative paintings. Artwork by Siavash Mahvis
Siavash mahvis is an Iranian artist and painter who shows some of his paintings and drawings here. mahvis has also taught painting for many years and some of his students' works can also be seen here.

Recent paintings

Portrait painting, oil on canvas
Portrait painting, mother's face, oil on canvas
Boy's face, pencil on cardboard
Drawing with graphite pencil, boy's face, pencil on cardboard

Earlier works

Oil painting on canvas, The boy's face
Oil painting on canvas, The boy's face
Baby boy's face, Oil painting on canvas
Painting of the Boy's Face, Oil on canvas, Siavash Mahvis
Painting from a child's photo, Oil painting
Painting from a child's photo, Siavash Mahvis
Oil on canvas, oil painting from a child's photo
Oil painting from a child's photo, oil on canvas
Oil painting from photo
Oil painting from photo, painting on canvas
Part of the painting from the picture, Siavash Mahvis
Part of the painting from the picture
Siavash Mahvis, An oil sketch
An oil sketch, created by Siavash Mahvis
Oil on canvas
Portrait painting, child's face, oil on canvas
Oil on canvas - Siavash Mahvis
Dear Picasso, Oil on canvas

Early works

Figure oil painting
Figure oil painting
Mother and her baby, oil on canvas
Mother and her baby, oil on canvas by Siavash Mahvis
Detail of mother and her baby's painting
Detail of mother and her baby's painting
An oil sketch of the face
An oil sketch of the face, oil on canvas, created by Siavash Mahvis
An oil sketch of the face
An oil sketch of the face, oil on canvas, created by Siavash Mahvis

Siavash Mahvis has been teaching art and painting for years. His students have been actively involved in creating works of art with their master. Here you can see examples of art by students taught by Siavash Mahvis.

A hyperrealistic painting of a face
A hyperrealistic painting of a face, created in the art studio of Siavash Mahvis
Painting in hyperrealism, oil on canvast
Hyperrealism painting, oil on canvas, Siavash Mahvis art studio
Art studio of Siavash Mahvis, pencil on cardboard
Hyperrealistic portrait painting. Charcoal drawing on cardboard. Art Studio of Siavash Mahvis
Art Studio of Siavash Mahvis
A painting created by students of Siavash Mahvis, pencil on cardboard
Drawing face with charcoal
Charcoal drawing of face drawn by students of Siavash Mahvis
Charcoal drawing of an elderly man's face by students of Siavash Mahvis
Charcoal portrait drawing of an elderly man by students of Siavash Mahvis
Oil painting of animals
Oil painting of animals painted in Siavash Mahvis painting studio
Farveblyantstegning, lavet af elever fra Siavash Mahvis
Farveblyantstegning, lavet af elever fra Siavash Mahvis

You can see the gallery of Siavash Mahvis students' works on the following pages.

Oil paintings
Charcoal drawings
Graphite pencil drawings
Colored pencil drawings

A video of the execution of a hyperrealistic drawing. Siavash Mahvis is working on this drawing.

This video was made in 2015

A video of the execution of a hyperrealistic drawing

A video of the execution of a hyperrealistic painting. Siavash Mahvash is doing this painting.

This video was made in 2017

A video of the execution of a hyperrealistic drawing