Portrait painting

Portrait painting and portrait drawing are two important art forms. Portrait painting refers to the art of painting a portrait, while portrait drawing refers to the art of drawing a portrait. These art forms have a long history and have always held a significant place in the art world.
Throughout time, artists have created remarkable portraits using various techniques and styles. They have managed to capture the personality, expression, and character of their subjects in a unique and captivating way.

Portrait painting

Portrait painting - by Siavash Mhavis

Today, portrait painting and portrait drawing continue to thrive. Artists use various mediums such as oil paint, watercolor, pencil, and digital techniques to create portraits.

Portrait drawing

Portrait drawing - by Siavash Mhavis

There are also many art schools and workshops where people can learn these art forms and improve their skills.
Portrait painting and portrait drawing are a way of conveying beauty, emotions, and human expression through art. These art forms are valued for their ability to capture moments, touch the soul, and create lasting memories. They continue to inspire and move both artists and audiences worldwide.

Portrait painting is an ancient and fascinating art form that allows you to create a lasting image of a person. This art requires not only technical skills but also a deep understanding of anatomy, light and shadow, as well as the emotions and personality of the subject.

Portrait drawing

Portrait - Griphite pencil

Portrait painting is the art of depicting a person's face on canvas or paper. This art form has fascinated people for centuries, and throughout history, we have seen masterpieces of portraits of famous individuals and family members.

Steps in portrait painting:

1. Choosing a subject: The first step in portrait painting is to choose the right subject. Your subject can be a friend, a family member, or even a stranger.
2. Gathering necessary materials: To paint a portrait, you will need a range of basic materials such as canvas, pencil, charcoal, paper, paint, brushes, etc.
3. Studying facial anatomy: To paint a realistic face, it's important to have a good understanding of facial anatomy.
4. Practicing shading: Shading is one of the key techniques in portrait painting as it helps you create depth and volume in the face.
5. Choosing the right color: It's important to choose the right color for the skin, hair, eyes, etc. of the subject.
6. Practicing facial painting: Before starting to paint the final portrait, it's a good idea to practice painting different faces to improve your skills.

Techniques for portrait painting:

Step-by-step method: In this method, portrait painting is divided into smaller steps, and each step is painted separately..
Alla prima method: In this method, the portrait is painted in one session without making a preliminary drawing

Alla prima Portrait painting

Alla prima Portrait painting - by Siavash Mhavis

Thick brushstroke painting: In this method, thick brushes are used to create bold lines and shadows.
Thin brushstroke painting: In this method, thin brushes are used to create fine details.

Important tips for portrait painting:

Pay attention to light and shadow: Light and shadow play an important role in creating depth and volume in the face.
Use guidelines: Guidelines can help you draw the proportions of the face correctly.
Be patient: Portrait painting is a time-consuming art form that requires patience.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes: Mistakes are part of the learning process. Learn from your mistakes and try to avoid repeating them in your future paintings.

Portrait painting is a fascinating and challenging art form that can bring great joy to anyone. With practice and dedication, you can master this art form and create beautiful and lasting portraits of your loved ones.

Siavash Mahvis: An artist with a passion for portraits

Siavash Mahvis is a talented artist with a wide range of skills, but he is best known for his beautiful and detailed portraits. In this article, we will explore Siavash's life and art and learn more about his passion for portrait painting. He studied art at the University of Tehran. Siavash's portraits are his most famous works. He is known for his ability to capture the essence of his subject's personality and emotions. His portraits are both realistic and beautiful, and they have a knack for drawing the viewer in. Siavash is a passionate artist who loves creating beautiful and meaningful works. He is dedicated to his craft and always strives to improve his skills.

Portrait painting
Portrait painting - Oil on canvas
Child portrait - Oil on canvas
Child portrait - Oil on canvas
Portrait painting
Portrait painting - a work in progress
Pencil portrait drawing
Portrait drawing - worked with pencil
Charcoal portrait drawing
Charcoal portrait drawing
Portrait drawing - Charcoal pencil on paper
Portrait drawing - Charcoal pencil on paper
Pencil portrait drawing on paper
Pencil portrait drawing on paper
Alla prima portrait painting - Oil on canvas
Alla prima portrait painting - Oil on canvas
Pencil portrait
Pencil portrait
Portrait drawing in oil
Part of a large-scale painting - portrait drawing in oil
A portrait - Charcoal on paper
A portrait - Charcoal on paper
A portrait - Charcoal on paper
A portrait - Charcoal on paper
A portrait - Charcoal pencil on brown paper
A portrait - Charcoal pencil on brown paper
Oil portrait
Oil portrait
Oil portrait
Oil portrait